List of Basic bachata moves an their official names
In Salsa it seems people know the names of the figures pretty well. In Bachata there are some names, like Wave, Headroll, Pendulo, Prezel, Snake (Paso de Madrid), but often it's just a figure without name. It would be helpful to have a reference of all basic names and examples with videos from this plattfom to get a feeling of the naming. Knowing the names makes it also easier to remember moves.
Imre Balazs
Started working on this feature (however it will take weeks until it's done)
Imre Balazs
Thank you for the idea! I also already thought about this feature, however unlike for Salsa, the Bachata-moves don't have "official" (from everybody accepted) names. But I still dream about creating an "official" list, so this is indeed planned :) Maybe some voting-system could be useful - so users could vote which of the possible names for a move they like the most.
Imre Balazs nice idea with the voting! Let's make BachataSteps the official naming agency of Bachata moves.